Planned Giving

Bequest Language

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In response to requests for our full legal title and sample bequest language, we offer the following examples. If you are considering including Stevens in your will, we recommend you discuss your options with your advisors:

Outright Bequest

Stevens Institute of Technology receives a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the estate.
“I hereby give to the Trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, located in Hoboken, New Jersey, the sum of _____ dollars (or ______% of the total value of my estate).”

Specific Bequest*

Stevens Institute of Technology receives a specific item of real or personal property, or specific stock holdings.
“I hereby give to the Trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, located in Hoboken, New Jersey, (insert description of item).”

Residuary Bequest

Stevens Institute of Technology receives all or a portion of the remainder of an estate, after all debts, taxes, expenses and other gifts have been paid.

“I hereby give to the Trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, located in Hoboken, New Jersey, all (or ______%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.”

Contingent Bequest

If circumstances make it impossible to carry out your primary provisions (as when your spouse or other heirs do not survive you), a contingent bequest ensures that property will pass to Stevens rather than to unintended beneficiaries.

“If any of the above-named beneficiaries should predecease me, I hereby give his or her share of my estate to the Trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, located in Hoboken, New Jersey.”

Restricted Bequest*

For a named endowment fund, subject to minimum gift requirements, Stevens Institute of Technology receives funds for a specific purpose, such as scholarships or academic program support.

“I hereby give to the Trustees of the Stevens Institute of Technology, located in Hoboken, New Jersey, the sum of ______ dollars (or describe the real or personal property) to establish a permanent fund to be known as The ____________ Endowment Fund, the income of which shall be used for its general purposes (or designate a specific purpose or program).”

*Note: If you wish to plan a gift of real or personal property, or wish to make your gift for a specific purpose or program, you must speak with our staff to ensure that your intentions can be carried out as you would like.



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Whatever the reason, and no matter the amount, every gift has a story and an impact.